Weekend File - December 5, 2020 - Forced COVID Vaccinations??

Weekend Notes

Can an employer force an employee to take the COVID vaccine?

COVID Vaccine

The daily news reports are full of stories about forthcoming vaccines against the COVID-19 virus. It seems that nearly every day another company announces their take on a vaccine for the deadly illness. There can be little doubt that at some point in 2021, there will be enough vaccine to go around and all Americans will have access to these important drugs.

But what if you don’t want to take it? Can your employer fire you for refusing to take a COVID vaccine?

As with most legal answers the answer is “Well…yes and no.”

Generally speaking, an employer can require its employees to take a vaccine as a condition of employment. As an example, most health care employers require their employees to take the yearly flu vaccine.

But there are exceptions. If you want to learn more about this issue and the exceptions available, I've made a short video on the topic.  You can view it here. While you are there, please "Like" and "Subscribe" our new Youtube channel. That really helps us get our message out and we really appreciate it. 

Legal Reads

Weekend Reads

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  • The Mystery of the Gatwick Drone

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