
Compassionate Representation, Tireless Advocacy

At The McKinney Law Firm, we recognize the devastating and widespread impact of sexual abuse. Studies show that approximately 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years old. These alarming statistics underscore the importance of specialized legal representation in these cases. Chris McKinney is profoundly committed to supporting victims of sexual abuse, especially in cases involving schools, churches, and other institutions.

Every 98 seconds, another person experiences sexual assault. Sexual violence affects hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. And while the criminal justice system can sometimes punish the criminals who perpetrate this terrible conduct, it rarely provides the emotional or financial support needed by victims. The civil justice system allows victims to hold perpetrators accountable and seek justice not only from them but also from those who negligently allowed their abuse to occur.

Sexual abuse cases can be brought not only against the assailants themselves, but also against parties who knew or should have known that their teachers, priests, employees, or representatives were engaging in illegal sexual conduct. Employers, mental health facilities, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and assisted living facilities, churches, summer camps, schools and colleges can all be held liable in these circumstances if they acted negligently.

Sexual abuse cases involving children can not only involve sexual activity such as fondling, intercourse or rape, but also situations where a child is shown pornography by an adult or where the adult takes inappropriate photographs of the child.

Obviously no one can undo the tremendous harm done to victims of sexual abuse. However, working with attorneys and mental health care professionals, we can do everything possible to provide victims with the financial and emotional support they need to move forward on a path toward healing and happiness.

Understanding and Navigating Your Case

Sexual abuse cases require a sensitive and informed approach. Chris McKinney handles each case personally with empathy and in-depth understanding, ensuring a respectful and confidential process. We aim to make your voice heard and safeguard your rights every step of the way.

Experience You Can Trust

With substantial experience in sexual abuse cases, Chris McKinney has a track record of success in such sensitive legal matters. Our firm has represented numerous survivors, securing justice and rightful compensation. Our expertise is particularly strong in cases against schools and religious organizations, where such abuses can often be systemic and deeply entrenched.

A Focus on Healing and Justice

Our approach goes beyond legal representation; we prioritize your holistic healing and well-being. Recognizing the emotional and psychological impacts of sexual abuse, we collaborate with mental health professionals to support our clients' overall recovery journey.

Confidential Consultations

We offer confidential consultations, understanding the delicate nature of sexual abuse disclosures. Our firm provides a secure and respectful setting to discuss your experiences and legal options.

Reach Out to Us

If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual abuse in an institutional setting, the McKinney Law Firm is prepared to offer support and dedicated legal advocacy. Contact us for a confidential consultation and take a step towards healing and justice.